Thursday, February 28, 2013

Like my page on Facebook too

Please click here to like my page on Facebook for more things yoga!

Yoga Rising: Waking Up To The Consciousness Shift. ~ David Dodd

"Yoga rises when we engage with the message of the Bhagavad Gita. The classic tale in which Krishna basically tells Arjuna:  Look – you are not what you think you are. You are however here in this big interconnected world and you’re always playing your part. Use your head and use your heart – act with intelligence and act through love. Then Krishna passes the ball to Arjuna saying: “you choose” – or, in other words, be a warrior."

Yoga Rising: Waking Up To The Consciousness Shift. ~ David Dodd

Bhagavad Gita

If you are a yogi and have not read or are not somewhat familiar with the Bhagavad Gita you should be :) I highly recommend reading it.

Check out this link to get an idea and maybe follow these blogs to assist you in your reading.

Human Kindness

Last night I went to the grocery store just to get a few things; dinner and coffee creamer. When I got there I did not get a basket or cart, remember I was just getting "a few things". Well then I thought to myself, "I really should get something for dinner tomorrow night...oh I want some snacks for work, oh and I need eggs." Having no basket I was piling stuff up in my arms. This is something that I frequently do. In my mind it is a money saver, buy only what you can carry. Well as I was getting my last three things a man walked up to me and insisted that I take his basket. There was some back and forth about me being fine and not needing and he insisting, stating that he does the same thing all the time. Because of my own ego I was resistant. I thought to myself, "I got this, dude! I don't need your basket." I did not see the kind gesture in this man's action because my ego was getting in the way. Since this is the opposite of the kind of person I want to be and I consciously work to not let my ego get in the way, it didn't take to long for me to take the man up on his offer and thank him for his kindness. While staring at the eggs I reminded myself not to let my ego get in the way like I just had. The rest of the evening and all morning I was thinking about human kindness. Sometimes, your mind, heart, and ego have to be open to see it. I thought this guy was being egotistical in his gesture, but that was actually MY ego talking. Once I told myself to get over it I was able to see the gesture for what it was....kindness.

This morning while on my way to work I got stuck behind a slow van. I signaled to get over in the next lane and the oncoming car flashed their lights to acknowledge me and allow me to slide in front of them. Since my mind was focused on kindness I really appreciated this gesture. People just don't do those little things anymore. However small this may seem to some, it was nice. I told myself that this is what I want to cultivate more in my life. So, I am working to pay if forward no matter how small. I let some people in from of me in traffic and flashed my lights to gesture so. 

By being mindful and open we can all cultivate kindness. Open your heart and mind, let go of that ugly ego and you might see more kind gestures that you once missed or mistook for something else. 

While mentally preparing for this blog today I did my daily reading of my favorite blog that I follow. The links to these can be found in the column on the right side of this blog page. I found two posts today that speak of my topic of human kindness. The Yoga Blog: Posted about a homeless man that returned an engagement ring that a woman accidentally gave to him.  MindBodyGreen: Post about "How To Experience A Positive Life Instead Of A Problem-Filled One".  We can use our minds to overcome the ego and cultivate more kindness and open ourselves up to see more kindness. 

Good Post of another blog I read

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Big Thank You

I just want to take the time to thank everyone who has been and just started following me. I am beginning a new journey and it would be nothing with out the support of others. I hope that I can provide you what you may need. Please always feel free to contact me via posts, comments, emails, etc. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Connect with me and view my profile on LinkedIn.

I've just updated my professional profile on LinkedIn. Connect with me and view my profile.

Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Series with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Great post for anyone new to Yoga.

This post is a great overview for any one new or interested in yoga. It is also just a great post in general.

One truth, paths are many

The below link is a good, brief description of types of yoga and a great story that exemplifies, "One truth, paths are many."

13 Things Every New Yoga Teacher Needs to Know.

13 Things Every New Yoga Teacher Needs to Know.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Just goes to show...

This shows that you may never know when something you do could have an affect on someone else. I really had a cool thing happen to me today and apparently so did my new friend, Yoga Peach, all because of a comment I made on her blog post. Click here to find the blog I was featured in today. It is about kindness. 

Something really cool happened to me!!

So, years ago when I started yoga I began to search all over the internet for anything yoga. I could not get enough. In that search I found a blog, "Yoga Peach". I began to follow the blog and I come to it nearly everyday. I also follow Yoga Peach on Facebook and, as of today, on Twitter. Today she wrote a great post on her blog that I was compelled to reply to. To my surprise I got an awesome reply back from her via email and so quickly. That was such an honor to me. Her posts have been a huge inspiration to my yoga practice. To me this was like talking to someone famous! (I admit I am a huge yoga DORK) Then SHE tells ME that I turned HER day around! She has no idea :) Please friends, check her out. She is an inspiration plus has some great recipes too. Thanks, Keli! It was an honor to chat with you today. I hope the rest of your day stays on the up and up!

Frequently asked questions

This is a short list of questions that I have personally been asked. I will rewrite and update this post often as more questions come in. Please feel free to contact me with questions. You can like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, check out my blog, and email me @

  • Do you have to be flexible?

This is easy to answer...not at all. Yoga will, over time, help increase your flexibility.

  • Are yoga classes religious or spiritual?
Not the ones that I have been to. Yoga classes are more the physical side of it all. The spiritual stuff usually become a personal quest when you begin to see the changes that the physical practice brings. The physical intrigues you to investigate what the whole of yoga is.

  • Does it really make you lose weight?
This, in my opinion, really depends on each individual person and their own practice. It does for some and doesn't for others.

  • I am not in good shape, can I still do yoga?
Yoga is like working out, you have to do it in order to get better at it, to get in shape, or to lose weight.

  • Isn't yoga just stretching?
Unlike stretching or fitness, yoga is more than just physical postures. Patanjali's eight-fold path illustrates how the physical practice is just one aspect of yoga. Even within the physical practice, yoga is unique because we connect the movement of the body and the fluctuations of the mind to the rhythm of our breath. Connecting the mind, body, and breath helps us to direct our attention inward. Through this process of inward attention, we learn to recognize our habitual thought patterns without labeling them, judging them, or trying to change them. We become more aware of our experiences from moment to moment. The awareness that we cultivate is what makes yoga a practice, rather than a task or a goal to be completed. Your body will most likely become much more flexible by doing yoga, and so will your mind. (From Yoga Journal, click here for the link to more FAQ.)

Great Mind Body Green Article

5 Sanskrit Words Every Yogi Should Know

5 Sanskrit Words Every Yogi Should Know

Spoiled Yogi: Benefits of Yoga

Spoiled Yogi: Benefits of Yoga: Image from Lululemon I've been teaching a yoga class at a gym for a few months now. The yoga class is the first one at this locatio...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

For more of Step Onto My Mat

For more of Step Onto My Mat click the links to the right and like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter! I post quite requently on those! Thanks for the love and support!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A really good article with a tad of humor :)

"A true yoga practice involves the mastery of more than just bodily positions. Although you can do sun salutations until you are on fire, or stand on your head for half and hour and get some great physical benefits, you haven’t truly mastered yoga until you have little glimpses of the mindless mind – a state of awareness of all, and acceptance of all. You neither negate or accept because you have no ‘likes’ or ‘dislikes.’ You see everything for its true reality – which means you start to accept your own culpability in making things a reality."

Yoga As a Means to Rehaul Your Reality - United Yogis Yoga Community

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

93-year-old New Yorker officially named as the world's oldest yoga teacher I love watching her dance at the end.

Free Movie

This link is the movie Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda. According to the site, Swami Satchidananda was among the first Yoga masters to bring the classical Yoga tradition to the West and popularize the philosophy and practices. The distinctive teachings he brought blend the physical discipline of Yoga, the spiritual philosophy of Vedic literature and the interfaith ideals he pioneered. His role in the birth of the modern Yoga movement and its impact on the world is chronicled in this hour-long documentary that informs, entertains and provokes self-inquiry. The role of spirituality in wellness and the link between inner peace and outer peace is explored in the film with commentary by Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Rev. James P. Morton, Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, Peter Max, Felix Cavaliere, Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB, Dr. Bhagavan Antle, Dr. Sandra McLanahan and CNN’s Larry King, among others.


I found a great yoga article on a blog that I follow. The blog is and the article is

This gives a great intro to yoga and is the exact sort of thing that I want to be sharing with you all. I hope that it answers some questions that any of you may have. If you want to know more post comments, email melike me on Facebook, or follow me in Twitter.


I am currently working on a total face lift of this blog. Please take a look around and see all there is to see. It is my attempt to make this and/or my Facebook page to be your one stop shop for everything yoga. Today I added some links to the left for Community Yoga classes at local yoga studios. Please know that I do not work for these places. I am promoting yoga because that is what I believe in. These places offer these classes to the Community at affordable prices and I love that. If you happen to know about or hear about an event you think I should add please let me know and I will be happy to add it. Thank you all for your support.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exhale that which doesn't serve you

So, at work I catch a lot of crap from people. I am teased, lied to, thrown under the bus, called names, I am the blunt of rumors, and so on (to name a few). I am not necessarily in management, although at times (when it is convenient) I am told that I am. I am the administrator and my job is to create, update, and enforce policies. Guess it is a thankless job. These sorts of things I am no stranger to. At my previous job, my first "adult" job, I was picked on. I held a few thankless positions of field training officer and scheduling manager. I was also picked on a lot growing up. My sister even had to fight people for me.  I have never quite understood why this happened. I believe people to be "friends" only to find out that they are doing the above said things. I am pretty much a loner. I don't hang out with people. I go to work, I go to school, I go to yoga, and I go to kickboxing. So, my work relationships are primarily my only friendships, but when I left my old job, my first "adult" job, after 9 years of humiliation I decided to change things and not have friendships outside of the work place at my new job. I have pretty much stuck to this, but I did add many of these people on facebook. Despite this change I still was the brunt of the aforementioned things and still am. So, yesterday I did a facebook clean up. I have only three or four work people on my facebook. Only those I specifically trust or believe have purpose in my life. I am "exhaling (or deleting) that which doesn't serve me". I am in a very new place in my life. A path that is beautiful and very fulfilling to me. I want people to walk next to me, even if on a different path we can still walk parallel giving love and support  I don't need negative, mean, non-compassionate, wicked people. Which reminds me of my favorite yoga sutra from Book One, Verse 33; "By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard for the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness." So, I have disregarded those wicked people in order to keep my mind-stuff undisturbed.

At the time I was writing this blog I got into one of "those" moments with a co-worker. This is someone I bump heads with a lot. It was a moment that I really had to try to remain yogi like. It worked for me...not him. I was bashed and put down, but by him, not myself. See, I have a tendency to be hard on myself when this happens allowing myself to take blame, even in a blameless situation, but this time I didn't let myself be down like I would have in the past. I won't let other people put who I am down. I won't let them assassinate my character. As I was looking at facebook earlier I saw a great quote and that is how I am going to end this post today. It sums up my recent encounter and it is what I am taking with me throughout the rest of the day.

The energy is INTENSE right now. Don't take anyone else's ego issues personally. It's their stuff, not yours. Instead, focus upon the sweetness within you, within life, and within other people. You will find it if you seek it