Friday, February 22, 2013

Exhale that which doesn't serve you

So, at work I catch a lot of crap from people. I am teased, lied to, thrown under the bus, called names, I am the blunt of rumors, and so on (to name a few). I am not necessarily in management, although at times (when it is convenient) I am told that I am. I am the administrator and my job is to create, update, and enforce policies. Guess it is a thankless job. These sorts of things I am no stranger to. At my previous job, my first "adult" job, I was picked on. I held a few thankless positions of field training officer and scheduling manager. I was also picked on a lot growing up. My sister even had to fight people for me.  I have never quite understood why this happened. I believe people to be "friends" only to find out that they are doing the above said things. I am pretty much a loner. I don't hang out with people. I go to work, I go to school, I go to yoga, and I go to kickboxing. So, my work relationships are primarily my only friendships, but when I left my old job, my first "adult" job, after 9 years of humiliation I decided to change things and not have friendships outside of the work place at my new job. I have pretty much stuck to this, but I did add many of these people on facebook. Despite this change I still was the brunt of the aforementioned things and still am. So, yesterday I did a facebook clean up. I have only three or four work people on my facebook. Only those I specifically trust or believe have purpose in my life. I am "exhaling (or deleting) that which doesn't serve me". I am in a very new place in my life. A path that is beautiful and very fulfilling to me. I want people to walk next to me, even if on a different path we can still walk parallel giving love and support  I don't need negative, mean, non-compassionate, wicked people. Which reminds me of my favorite yoga sutra from Book One, Verse 33; "By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard for the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness." So, I have disregarded those wicked people in order to keep my mind-stuff undisturbed.

At the time I was writing this blog I got into one of "those" moments with a co-worker. This is someone I bump heads with a lot. It was a moment that I really had to try to remain yogi like. It worked for me...not him. I was bashed and put down, but by him, not myself. See, I have a tendency to be hard on myself when this happens allowing myself to take blame, even in a blameless situation, but this time I didn't let myself be down like I would have in the past. I won't let other people put who I am down. I won't let them assassinate my character. As I was looking at facebook earlier I saw a great quote and that is how I am going to end this post today. It sums up my recent encounter and it is what I am taking with me throughout the rest of the day.

The energy is INTENSE right now. Don't take anyone else's ego issues personally. It's their stuff, not yours. Instead, focus upon the sweetness within you, within life, and within other people. You will find it if you seek it

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